Monday, January 15, 2007

A cruel frozen mistress

Gelato hangovers are a bitch.

Saturday, 13 Jan, 20.00 -> Sunday, 14 Jan, 2.00:

  • Banana split (it's a flavor, not a full-blown sundae and, yes, this is what it's called in Spanish)
  • Limón jamaica (lemon with chocolate chips and a swirl of strawberry)
  • Ananá (pineapple)
  • Maracuyá (passion fruit)
  • Dulce de leche granizado (dulce de leche with chocolate chips)
  • Tiramisú (the flavor, not the dessert)
  • Cassis a la crema (creme de cassis)
  • Crema de la viña - Merlot (cream of the vineyard - Merlot)
  • Chocolate Munchi's (the house specialty chocolate of Munchi's, an ice cream chain)

[Intermission: fried calamari, french fries, Guinness (these are not ice cream flavors, thank god)]

  • Peras al borgoña (pears in Burgundy)
  • Quinotos al whisky (kumquats in whiskey)
  • Sandía (watermelon)
  • Chocolate holandés (chocolate with bits of candied orange rind)
  • Frutos del bosque (mixed berry)
  • Manzana verde (green apple)

Looking at the list, maybe it wasn't so much a gelato hangover as a hangover hangover. Damn you, whiskey-soaked kumquats.

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